Short Film Review: Godwoman

"Godwoman" is a captivating short film directed by Glen Barretto, renowned for his work on "Roohaniyat." The plot revolves around Rhea, an astrologer, who plans a surprise anniversary visit for her husband Rakesh. However, the celebration takes a bitter turn when she discovers Rakesh in a compromising situation with her best friend, Sunita. 

Despite its seemingly simple premise, the storyline unfolds with unexpected twists, maintaining audience engagement until the end and delivering a poignant message. 
Short Film Review: Godwoman
Barretto's direction is commendable, successfully sustaining suspense throughout the film. The cinematography enhances the overall viewing experience with beautiful camera work, contributing to the film's visual appeal. 

The cast, featuring Kiran Jaweri as the astrologer, Khalid Siddiqui as a convincing police officer, and Aansh Shekhawat delivering an attention-grabbing performance, adds depth to the narrative.

The initial dialogues, particularly those spoken by Rhea in her role as an astrologer, are heartwarming and contribute to creating a positive image of astrology. The background music, skillfully integrated into the film, adds an extra layer of intrigue to the storytelling. 

Overall, "Godwoman" stands out as a must-watch 15-minute film, offering surprises, strong performances, and an engaging narrative. It deserves a well-earned rating of 4 out of 5.

Review by: Team BollyQuick

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