Actor Arslan Goni, initially recognized for his modeling career, made a striking debut in the 2017 film Jia Aur Jia. Building on his success, he garnered attention for his compelling portrayal in the web series Mai Hero Boll Raha Hu and left a lasting impression with his role in the short film Mystery Man.
After receiving love last season, Arslan will be soon seen in the eagerly awaited new season of Tanaav as well.
A source close to the development shares, “In Tanaav, Arslan Goni takes on the pivotal role of Kunal Mattoo and was appreciated by the audiences last season. This time around, he has more screen time with a captivating romantic angle that promises to add a layer of emotion to the series.”
Well, we can’t wait to witness what Arslan has in store for the audiences.