Made in Heaven 2 actor Nikhil Khurana opens up on why his debut film Sanaa is special to him!

Actor Nikhil Khurana, who will be making his film debut with Sanaa, says that this film will always be special for him. He adds that his role is something that he has based totally on the emotion of love.

“Sanaa is my first film, and it's very special to me. I loved working on Sana. I think what is so special about it is the fact that I've based this character on this one word, which is love. So, anything that the character does or chooses in his life is out of love. Love was the word to keep in mind while performing, while choosing, or while saying or reacting. That's what I worked on, something that comes from within. He's a very pure-hearted person. That was very special because I think love is the highest vibration, spiritually speaking,” he says. 
He adds, “To manufacture love or to project love or to show love, I think, is the highest form of reaching your skill set or something like that. It's not easy to project or manufacture love or to play a character who's full of love. So, that's the most difficult thing to do in the world. Like how Shah Rukh Khan does it so beautifully. He's all about love. And the one who can be all about love will definitely connect with people. I feel this is a role that will give me a chance to connect with people once it releases, and people watch it. That's been my aim. I want to love people and I want to receive love from them. I want to love them back. So, yeah, it was a special role for me, and I'm looking forward to it.” 

The actor was seen in Made in Heaven 2 last, and says that he hopes people will enjoy Sanaa as much as they enjoyed the show. “My expectation is simple. I just hope that the film reaches a wide audience. I hope as many people as possible watch and enjoy the film, appreciate my role, and take something meaningful from the character I've portrayed, leaving them happy. Naturally, I also hope for more opportunities to take on diverse roles. I've dreamt of being in the movie business since childhood, and I'm still making progress on that journey. Having done two films now, the goal remains the same: to be part of the movie industry and share positivity and love through my work,” he says. 

Talking about working with his co-star Radhika Madan, he says, “It was a fantastic experience. She's highly professional and knowledgeable. When it comes to actors, there are usually two types. Some are obsessed with themselves, while others are obsessed with their work. Personally, I prefer to be the latter type. If I have to be obsessed or narcissistic about something, I'd rather focus on my work than on myself. I always say that I want to be known for my work and not work just to become famous. Working with Radhika was great. She's a dedicated professional, very kind, and humble. I'm sure when the film releases, people will like our chemistry for sure.”
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