Pooja Hegde set social media on fire with her vacation pictures not long ago and soon after dived into a hectic shoot schedule for big-ticket films. After the roaring success of Most Eligible Bachelor, Pan India star has wrapped the shooting of Beast and awaits the release of her magnum opus Radhe Shyam. Taking a break from back-to-back shoot, the Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo actress celebrated her mother's birthday in the Maldives. The celebration also marked the Hedge family's first vacation after 13 years.
Pooja took to her social media, posted a picture of the celebration with the caption, “The table was set the light was beautiful, and we sat and we celebrated alongside the ocean. Happy 60th Mom. Hope the birthday was as special as you.”
Her fans who expected pictures of Pooja's moments with her family were not disappointed. The most sought after actress chose an all-white look for the day. Her breezy ensemble included a sleeveless bralette-style top with a sheer panel on the front, and linen pants. She accessorised with star-shaped silver earrings, rings, and tan peep-toe sandals.
Pooja says, “I've always wanted to take my family to the Maldives. It's one of my favourite places in the world. All of us in the family wanted a vacation. I think I've worked the hardest on projects this year and so has my mom. It's special to have celebrated mom's birthday there. I'm excited to resume shoot.”
The actress returned to India on the 14th February. On the work front, Pooja has Thalapathy Vijay’s ‘Beast’, Salman Khan's 'Bhaijaan', 'Cirkus' opposite Ranveer Singh, 'Acharya' with Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan, and SSMB28 opposite Mahesh Babu.